czwartek, 28 października 2010

First Steroid Cycles

When an individual decides they will take their first steroid cycle, they have two routes to choose from. The bodybuilder can go the low dose, mild steroid cycle, or they can go higher dose, multiple steroid stack cycle... and the user will get varying opinions on this subject.

Low Dose First Steroid Cycles VS High Dose Steroid Cycles

With the recommended starting steroid dosages for steroid users today in the steroid community, almost all new users think they must use a higher dosage. Years ago, a good first steroid cycle was as simple as 250mgs of testosterone (often Sustanon 250), once a week. The person would put on 15-25lbs in an eight week cycle. Slowly, that beginner dosage slowly crept up to 500mgs of testosterone a week. Not only does the thought process of "more is always better" apply here, but there is some truth to it. It has been scientifically proven that a higher test dosage will provide more results. But as mentioned in the beginner steroid cycles, where does the user go from there? If the individual wants to take another steroid cycle shortly after, they will need to increase the testosterone dosage a little bit, to still see great gains. Where as the user who's first steroid cycle is a low dose of testosterone at 250mgs a week, may not see the exact results as the 500mgs cycler, but they can take 400-500mgs of testosterone for their second cycle. This question is brought up several times a day, and in the end, it's the user's own decision.

Multiple Steroids VS Single Steroids For A First Steroid Cycle

Once the testosterone dosage is decided upon, the next question is where to incorporate additional anabolic steroids or not. Usually, if the weight lifter decides upon the low dosage of testosterone, they won't add any other steroids... as the purpose is to keep it simple, and mild.

Whether the individual uses 250mgs, or 500mgs of testosterone, assuming their nutrition is on track, they will see excellent muslce and strength gains. So why add multiple steroids? Two reasons. One, a user's first steroid cycle is the best steroid cycle, and the results will more than likely never be duplicated. So, the reasoning is, if first is the best, then make it as good as possible. As mentioned in the other threads, Sustanon, Dianabol, and Deca Durabolin can also be used in a first steroid cycle. This cycle can be for advanced users, but also beginners, with the dosages adjusted. As we've mentioned, Dianabol is a kick start to the cycle. The user will see results in a few days to really 'begin' the cycle. The Deca Durabolin will add strength and most through out the whole cycle. Because every single person is different, it is impossible for anyone to test the results of each first steroid cycle method, so in the end, it's a personal choice.

First Steroid Cycle Review.

Here are the three most popular methods for firsts steroids cycles, that we went over. Sustanon 250 is used in the example, because originally Sustanon was dosed at 250mgs per ml, so the early recommendations were 250mgs per week. Other testosterones could be substituted, such as, testosterone enanthate, or testosterone cypionate, both only require weekly injections.

Testosterone (Sustanon 250) Mild Dosage - This cycle is often used by bodybuilders who are looking for a simple steroid cycle, that doesn't bring a lot of side effects, and biggest gains as fast as possible is not their main goal.

WeekTestosterone Enanthate/Cypionate

Testosterone (Sustanon 250) Higher Dosage - This steroid cycle could be considered the new age standard steroid cycle. Steroid forums all over will have members recommend 500mgs of testosterone as a starting point. This is often used by first time users who want 'a little more', but are also often persuaded or choose to believe in 'more is better'. Even at 500mgs of testosterone, it is not an extreme dosages, and side effects should be minimal.

WeekTestosterone Enanthate/Cypionate

Testosterone With Multiple Steroids - This first cycle is for the individual that wants to make the absolute most out of their first steroid cycle. It includes the higher dose of testosterone, and multiple steroids, which where gains will begin within the first week, and continue until the last week.

WeekSustanon DosageDeca Durabolin

Dianabol Dosage


Other anabolic steroids really aren't needed. Even in advanced steroid cycles, bodybuilders often feel they need to make steroid stacks more complicated than they actually need to be.

1 komentarz:

  1. adam grosscup15 marca 2011 15:41

    what other oral roid should i take with dbol.
