A lot of the cycles covered through out our site are beginner steroid cycles. For the most part, to adjust, the user can simply increase dosages. Depending on steroid cycle experience, and time in between cycles, the steroid user would adjust their dosages accordingly. If they took short time off between cycles, they'd more than likely have to up their dosage more significantly, compared to someone who took a year off from steroids.
As mentioned in the testosterone cycle page, a first time user would see great gains off what is considered a very low dose, at 250-350mgs per week. It is true that if a bodybuilder took 500mgs for a first time cycle, they would see better gains compared to a 250-350mgs cycle, but where do they go from there?
If an individual's first cycle is, say 300mgs of testosterone a week, their next cycle may be 500mgs per week, and will see good results. But if the user wants to maximize their first cycle and start out with 500mgs per week, the following cycle they will probably increase the dosage to 700-750mgs per week. In the long run, the person who started off with the lowest dosage will probably end up with better gains, and have more affordable cycles with lower dosages, then someone who starts off with a higher dose of test.
After years, and several cycles, many advanced bodybuilders will be in the 1gram(1,000mgs) area, and higher. Advanced users will then add in other advanced drugs, such as, human growth hormone and insulin.
We've covered a lot of the most popular steroids in cycles, now we'll go over beginner steroid cycles, using some of the less popular steroids, but still using testosterone as a base.
Ten Week Cutter Cycle
Week | Testosterone Propionate EOD* | Trenbolone Acetate ED* | Winstrol ED** |
1 | 150mgs | 50mgs | - |
2 | 150mgs | 50mgs | - |
3 | 150mgs | 50mgs | - |
4 | 150mgs | 50mgs | - |
5 | 150mgs | 50mgs | - |
6 | 150mgs | - | 50mgs |
7 | 150mgs | - | 50mgs |
8 | 150mgs | - | 50mgs |
9 | 150mgs | - | 50mgs |
10 | 150mgs | - | 50mgs |
* Every Other Day (525mgs testosterone per week)
| ** Every Day
Trenbolone and Winstrol (stanozolol), are two of the best steroids used when dieting. Many bodybuilding competitors will include these two steroids, along with testosterone in the pre-contest cycles. This steroid cycle requires frequent injections, but will also have little water retention.
Not So Frequent Cutter Cycle
Week | Testosterone Enanthate | Trenbolone Enanthate |
1 | 350mgs | 350mgs |
2 | 350mgs | 350mgs |
3 | 350mgs | 350mgs |
4 | 350mgs | 350mgs |
5 | 350mgs | 350mgs |
6 | 350mgs | 350mgs |
7 | 350mgs | 350mgs |
8 | 350mgs | 350mgs |
This steroid cycle requires less injections compared to other 'cutting' cycles. Often people believe certain drugs should be used for dieting and others for bulking. The truth is, if the individual has a proper diet, water retention is not a big issue. Yes, the user may see a couple pounds of water retention, but not a great deal. There are also other drugs/supplements that can be taken to minimize water retention. The testosterone dosage is low, because it is only there to help preserve muscle, as well as give the benefits of testosterone. It isn't expect to build muscle, so the dosage is fairly low. However, because trenbolone is hard on the body's hormone production, the dosage of test may need to be raised, if the side effects of depression, lack of energy and sex drive, are seen. This cycle uses trenbolone enanthate which is a somewhat newer steroid, which should be injected every 5-7 days.
Lean Mass Cycle
Week | Testosterone Propionate EOD* | Primobolan | Anavar ED** |
1 | 150mgs | 400mgs | 40mgs |
2 | 150mgs | 400mgs | 40mgs |
3 | 150mgs | 400mgs | 40mgs |
4 | 150mgs | 400mgs | 40mgs |
5 | 150mgs | 400mgs | 40mgs |
6 | 150mgs | 400mgs | 40mgs |
7 | 150mgs | 400mgs | 40mgs |
8 | 150mgs | 400mgs | 40mgs |
* Every Other Day (525mgs testosterone per week) | ** Every Day
This lean mass cycle is a great cycle. However, it has two fantastic upsides, which comes with two unfortunate downsides. This is a relatively safe cycle, using testosterone,and three mild steroids, with little side effects. Primobolan may cause hair thinning/loss, usually if it's hereditary, but a shampoo with Finasteride will help. The other great upside to this cycle is it has very little water retention, and will provide very solid lean muscle gains, as well as good strength gains.
The negatives... 1) It's hard to find real Primobolan, and has been hard for years. Even some underground labs will use cheaper, easier to find steroids and label it as Primobolan. 2) It's an expensive cycle. Anavar and Primobolan are popular, in demand steroids, and people will a high price to use them. The most affordable way is finding the actual steroid powders, and converting them to injectables/orals.
Steroids are most commonly used by athletes involved in power sports, these are sports like throwing and sprinting events and weight lifting.
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