niedziela, 31 października 2010

Anadrol Cycle | Oxymetholone Cycle

An Anadrol cycle, much like the Dianabol cycle, is not a great cycle on it's own. Anadrol 50 (oxymetholone), originally designed by Syntex, was, and still is used to help with anemia. Now it is used with many other diseases where muscle and weight loss is an issue.

Anadrol is considered one of the most strongest steroids available, which puts it on the extremes for both benefits, as well as side effects. However, mg per mg, Dianabol is probably a stronger anabolic steroid.

Anadrol will produce fast weight and strength gains, increase appetite, and increase red blood cell count. Like Dianabol, it is used in the beginning of a cycle for the first 4-6 weeks to 'kick start' the cycle. Users will see immediate weight (water retention) and strength increases, along with unbelievable muscle 'pumps', in only a few days after the first dosage. Using oxymetholone alone is not ideal, as the user won't maintain most of the gains seen from the Anadrol cycle.

An Anadrol cycle would be similar to the mass cycle, we've posted in a few of the other steroid cycles. In fact, in any cycle involving Dianabol, a steroid user could substitute Anadrol for it's place. Below are a few steroid cycles, starting with the mass cycle.

WeekSustanon DosageDeca Durabolin 

Anadrol Dosage 




Anadrol Dosage 



Propionate EOD*

Dosage Daily

*Every Other Day (525mgs/week)

All three of the above cycles are very good mass building cycles. An Anadrol cycle is not for beginners. A steroid user should experiment with Dianabol before jumping into Anadrol.

With great gains, comes great side effects. Anadrol will affect ones body's natural hormone production, and may raise blood pressure, give headaches, and be toxic to the liver.

Overall, Anadrol 50 is not for beginners, and isn't even recommended for intermediate steroid users. It may even be safer if a steroid user cycled with a higher dosage of Dianabol, instead of Anadrol. However, even with the side effects, some bodybuilders swear by it, because of what it does in terms of adding size, strength and muscle.

sobota, 30 października 2010

Designing a Steroid Cycle

Most people get interested in research that relates to steroids because they want to create a cycle that will work well for them. There are plenty of books and articles online that can help you get what you are after in the way of various compounds. I would like this article to offer you information on how to effectively find the right cycle for you so that you can successfully reach your goals with the least amount of steroids used.

Once you start conducting your research, you will quickly learn that it isn’t always an easy process to find out which drugs are going to help you reach your goals. The more specific your goals are the harder it is going to be. Let’s take a closer look at the basic techniques as well as a few of the more advanced options available. To get the very best information for you I did interviews with real bodybuilders as well as conducted research on the athletes in Germany and Russia.

You really need to find out what any given steroid is able to help you accomplish. They are designed to help you get more out of your workout sessions but you will also need to pay attention to your diet. The combination of steroids, food, and exercise is what will result in the growth of your muscles.

Expect your body to get stressed as the amount of cortisol is increased. At the same time the amount of testosterone will be reduced. You will find your body going through periods of time where you are very fatigued. This is often followed by another period where you can workout for twice as long without getting worn out at all. This is the goal of using any steroid cycle – to maximize your ability to workout. Since you already know where you want to end up, the question is what is the very best way for you to get there?

The receptors of the muscle cells will help the steroid be absorbed. It will then bind to a molecule of the androgen receptor that is placed inside of the actual cell rather than the membrane of the cells. The receptor is designed like your wallet with a type of hinge so you can have it in two different shapes. It is activated when it is open like your wallet and deactivated when it is closed like closing your wallet.

This process sends various messages to the androgens such as create more protein. Use the wallet example again. Your money is in various denominations and it can be used to purchase a variety of things. The androgens work in the same fashion. Many steroids deliver a message that tells the body to burn fat and some tell it specifically where to burn it from.

Now you may be saying to yourself you want to use the steroids that have the same value as those $100 bills in a wallet. Sure they are worth more, but can you use them for whatever you want? Many stores won’t take large bills and you certainly can’t use them in a soda machine! Having a mixture of denominations means you really can buy what you want – and that same concept is true of steroids.

For males, the most important steroid you want to use is the one that increases the amount of testosterone you will produce. There are tons of steroids out there that work by lowing your natural production of testosterone. You want to keep the level of natural testosterone in your body high or you will likely suffer some nasty side effects including sexual dysfunction, lethargy, and depression.

If you are new to using steroids, I would recommend your first cycle being only testosterone so that you can see the effect it has on your body. For those who have already used steroids before it is time to figure out the next compound to add to the cycle. Are you working on cutting or bulking? If you are bulking then you need to select a steroid that has a linear response curve. This means you will gain weight, get stronger, and lose more fat.

The more anabolic steroids you use in reference to quantity the bigger you will get but you will also gain more weight too. For the most part a bulking cycle is pretty straight forward. I like to use a total of two compounds for bulking – usually testosterone and Deca Durabolin with a moderate dose of each one. Look for one that doesn’t result in a large amount of water being retained.
Most bulking cycles run until the target weight is gained, but make sure that goal is a realistic one. You will find magazine articles that tell you to run a bulking steroid cycle for 8 or 10 or even 12 weeks. However, it is acceptable to do it for 9 weeks or 11 weeks if that is what you need to achieve your goal. If you start to feel uncomfortable during the cycle then it is probably about time to start wrapping things up. You should then start looking at post cycle therapy.

The issue of the right steroids for a cutting cycle is very different because you want the number of exogenous androgens to be higher. This is because of the restrictive diet you are likely to be on. You need to be more selective with the compounds you use during a cutting cycle. The length of the cycle will also be much different than a bulking cycle. Most people have a cutting cycle in place because of an upcoming competition or event. In most cases you need to come up with a percentage of body fat you want to lose in a set amount of time.

I conducted plenty of interviews with different athletes and bodybuilders about cutting cycles. I also reviewed the records from coaches of Russian and German athletes. I wanted to find out the best compounds to use as well as the dose for them. I also wanted to find out which compounds are continually found in successful cutting cycles.

I did notice the pattern of using shorter esters in cutting cycles and saving the longer esters of bulking cycles. There is no literature you will find that supports this theory but my thought on it is that shorter ester drugs cause less bloating. This is really no surprise to anyone who has any experience with various steroids though.

Every single steroid cutting cycle that I have found to be a success involves testosterone. Equipoise is a very popular one here as is Boldenone without ester. Cutting cycles also need the use of a 19-nor testosterone based compound. This is because it isn’t very anabolic or androgenic. A proper cutting cycle has to offer compounds that will bind together with the androgen receptor.
The body is much more responsive to androgens when the body is on a restricted calorie diet. I also found that the most successful cutting cycles involved doses of less than 2 grams. Personally, I would run a cutting cycle with 400-500 mgs each of DHT, 19-nor, and testosterone compound. I do understand though that the cost of such products as well as their availability makes it difficult at times.

You will also need to take your own needs into consideration during a successful cutting cycle. For example, if you suffer from joint pain on a regular basis you will want to add more 19-nor. You can also add in Nandrolone for joint pain, especially for a bulking cycle. There are plenty of orals out there that you will find to be useful tools. Most orals can be taken for a period of up to six weeks if they offer a high dose. You can go up to ten weeks with those offering a lower dose.
Make sure you take your health into consideration before starting any steroid cycle. If you have liver problems or issues with your cholesterol then you need to be very careful what you consume. You may be able to use various anadrols and dianabols to help you gain strength and size but only use it in spurts.

By now I am sure you can see why it can be very hard to come up with the right anabolic steroid cycle for your needs. You need to do your research and pay close attention to how your body reactions to various compounds. Don’t forget to calculate your diet and training into the final equation. Make sure you add all three of the steroid families along with various receptors to bind with for the best success during your cycle.

- Originally written by Anthony Roberts

piątek, 29 października 2010

Advanced Steroid Cycles

We were going to leave 'advanced steroid cycles' off Steroid Cycles blog for a couple reason. First, anyone looking for advanced steroid cycles should know their body pretty well. They should know which steroids they like, which may have given them more side effects, and which gave them the most benefits. On top of that, any experienced user should know the dosage their steroid cycle will require. Second, advanced steroid users often make their steroid cycles more complicated than they need to be, adding way too many drugs and dosages that are way too high. An advanced cycle that is just fine is one we've mentioned a few times on here, Sustanon, Dianabol and Deca Durabolin, but obviously with higher dosages. But to give some people of advanced cycles, types the pros use, or a Ronnie Coleman steroids cycle, we created this page.

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]A large stash of anabolic steroid vials confis...[/caption]

One of the biggest problems with sophisticated cycles is the cost. The cost of a single testosterone at 1,000mgs+ a week, alone gets fairly expensive. When the user adds in 2-3

more steroids the cycle gets quite expensive.

Advanced Bulking Steroid Cycle

WeekTestosterone DosageDeca Durabolin

Dianabol Dosage

Anavar Dosage DailyGrowth Hormone


This is a fairly long 16 week cycle. The dosage would depend on the bodybuilder's experience with each steroids, which may be higher or lower than the above posted dosage. Human Growth Hormone(GH) is added to the cycle, and would be continued post cycle six months. Bodybuilders who use GH will often use it for years with little or no breaks. The bodybuilder would also have the appropriate drugs on hand to minimize side effects, such as, estrogen and progesterone gynecomastia. Proper post cycle therapy would also be taken after the cycle.

Advanced Cutting Steroid Cycle

WeekTestosterone Propionate

Dosage EOD*



Trenbolone Acetate

Dosage Daily
Growth Hormone




* EOD = Every Other Day ** Read below for Cytomel scheduling.

This is a long advanced cutting steroid cycle. Testosterone dosage is a bit lower, as the main goal is not to build muscle and size, but to burn fat and preserve muscle. Winstrol is taken at the beginning for a similar 'kick start' as Dianabol, but a little weaker. A five week Winstrol break is also taken in the middle of the cycle. Growth Hormone is taken at a lower dosage as it's main use is for health benefits and fat burning properties. Cytomel is used in the cycle a few weeks and can also be timed to finish around week 16. The most often recommended Cytomel scheduling: 3-4 days at 25mcgs, followed by 3-4 days at 50mcgs, followed by 3-4days at 75mcgs, followed by three weeks at 100mcgs, and then tapered down, similar to the way up. Cytomel is a powerful fat burning drug with limited research behind it. There are rumors of incorrect Cytomel usage permanently shutting down the body's thyroid, but there is no evidence of this actually happening.

As with all steroid cycles on this site, proper precautions should be used to minimize steroids. Proper research should be taken before taking any type of drug. No one should simply read one method and follow it. Steroid usage is a big step for a bodybuilder, and extensive research should take place.

czwartek, 28 października 2010

First Steroid Cycles

When an individual decides they will take their first steroid cycle, they have two routes to choose from. The bodybuilder can go the low dose, mild steroid cycle, or they can go higher dose, multiple steroid stack cycle... and the user will get varying opinions on this subject.

Low Dose First Steroid Cycles VS High Dose Steroid Cycles

With the recommended starting steroid dosages for steroid users today in the steroid community, almost all new users think they must use a higher dosage. Years ago, a good first steroid cycle was as simple as 250mgs of testosterone (often Sustanon 250), once a week. The person would put on 15-25lbs in an eight week cycle. Slowly, that beginner dosage slowly crept up to 500mgs of testosterone a week. Not only does the thought process of "more is always better" apply here, but there is some truth to it. It has been scientifically proven that a higher test dosage will provide more results. But as mentioned in the beginner steroid cycles, where does the user go from there? If the individual wants to take another steroid cycle shortly after, they will need to increase the testosterone dosage a little bit, to still see great gains. Where as the user who's first steroid cycle is a low dose of testosterone at 250mgs a week, may not see the exact results as the 500mgs cycler, but they can take 400-500mgs of testosterone for their second cycle. This question is brought up several times a day, and in the end, it's the user's own decision.

Multiple Steroids VS Single Steroids For A First Steroid Cycle

Once the testosterone dosage is decided upon, the next question is where to incorporate additional anabolic steroids or not. Usually, if the weight lifter decides upon the low dosage of testosterone, they won't add any other steroids... as the purpose is to keep it simple, and mild.

Whether the individual uses 250mgs, or 500mgs of testosterone, assuming their nutrition is on track, they will see excellent muslce and strength gains. So why add multiple steroids? Two reasons. One, a user's first steroid cycle is the best steroid cycle, and the results will more than likely never be duplicated. So, the reasoning is, if first is the best, then make it as good as possible. As mentioned in the other threads, Sustanon, Dianabol, and Deca Durabolin can also be used in a first steroid cycle. This cycle can be for advanced users, but also beginners, with the dosages adjusted. As we've mentioned, Dianabol is a kick start to the cycle. The user will see results in a few days to really 'begin' the cycle. The Deca Durabolin will add strength and most through out the whole cycle. Because every single person is different, it is impossible for anyone to test the results of each first steroid cycle method, so in the end, it's a personal choice.

First Steroid Cycle Review.

Here are the three most popular methods for firsts steroids cycles, that we went over. Sustanon 250 is used in the example, because originally Sustanon was dosed at 250mgs per ml, so the early recommendations were 250mgs per week. Other testosterones could be substituted, such as, testosterone enanthate, or testosterone cypionate, both only require weekly injections.

Testosterone (Sustanon 250) Mild Dosage - This cycle is often used by bodybuilders who are looking for a simple steroid cycle, that doesn't bring a lot of side effects, and biggest gains as fast as possible is not their main goal.

WeekTestosterone Enanthate/Cypionate

Testosterone (Sustanon 250) Higher Dosage - This steroid cycle could be considered the new age standard steroid cycle. Steroid forums all over will have members recommend 500mgs of testosterone as a starting point. This is often used by first time users who want 'a little more', but are also often persuaded or choose to believe in 'more is better'. Even at 500mgs of testosterone, it is not an extreme dosages, and side effects should be minimal.

WeekTestosterone Enanthate/Cypionate

Testosterone With Multiple Steroids - This first cycle is for the individual that wants to make the absolute most out of their first steroid cycle. It includes the higher dose of testosterone, and multiple steroids, which where gains will begin within the first week, and continue until the last week.

WeekSustanon DosageDeca Durabolin

Dianabol Dosage


Other anabolic steroids really aren't needed. Even in advanced steroid cycles, bodybuilders often feel they need to make steroid stacks more complicated than they actually need to be.

środa, 27 października 2010

Beginner Steroid Cycles

A lot of the cycles covered through out our site are beginner steroid cycles. For the most part, to adjust, the user can simply increase dosages. Depending on steroid cycle experience, and time in between cycles, the steroid user would adjust their dosages accordingly. If they took short time off between cycles, they'd more than likely have to up their dosage more significantly, compared to someone who took a year off from steroids.

As mentioned in the testosterone cycle page, a first time user would see great gains off what is considered a very low dose, at 250-350mgs per week. It is true that if a bodybuilder took 500mgs for a first time cycle, they would see better gains compared to a 250-350mgs cycle, but where do they go from there?

If an individual's first cycle is, say 300mgs of testosterone a week, their next cycle may be 500mgs per week, and will see good results. But if the user wants to maximize their first cycle and start out with 500mgs per week, the following cycle they will probably increase the dosage to 700-750mgs per week. In the long run, the person who started off with the lowest dosage will probably end up with better gains, and have more affordable cycles with lower dosages, then someone who starts off with a higher dose of test.

After years, and several cycles, many advanced bodybuilders will be in the 1gram(1,000mgs) area, and higher. Advanced users will then add in other advanced drugs, such as, human growth hormone and insulin.

We've covered a lot of the most popular steroids in cycles, now we'll go over beginner steroid cycles, using some of the less popular steroids, but still using testosterone as a base.

Ten Week Cutter Cycle


Propionate EOD*

Trenbolone Acetate ED*Winstrol ED**

* Every Other Day (525mgs testosterone per week)
| ** Every Day

Trenbolone and Winstrol (stanozolol), are two of the best steroids used when dieting. Many bodybuilding competitors will include these two steroids, along with testosterone in the pre-contest cycles. This steroid cycle requires frequent injections, but will also have little water retention.

Not So Frequent Cutter Cycle






This steroid cycle requires less injections compared to other 'cutting' cycles. Often people believe certain drugs should be used for dieting and others for bulking. The truth is, if the individual has a proper diet, water retention is not a big issue. Yes, the user may see a couple pounds of water retention, but not a great deal. There are also other drugs/supplements that can be taken to minimize water retention. The testosterone dosage is low, because it is only there to help preserve muscle, as well as give the benefits of testosterone. It isn't expect to build muscle, so the dosage is fairly low. However, because trenbolone is hard on the body's hormone production, the dosage of test may need to be raised, if the side effects of depression, lack of energy and sex drive, are seen. This cycle uses trenbolone enanthate which is a somewhat newer steroid, which should be injected every 5-7 days.

Lean Mass Cycle


Propionate EOD*

PrimobolanAnavar ED**

* Every Other Day (525mgs testosterone per week) | ** Every Day

This lean mass cycle is a great cycle. However, it has two fantastic upsides, which comes with two unfortunate downsides. This is a relatively safe cycle, using testosterone,and three mild steroids, with little side effects. Primobolan may cause hair thinning/loss, usually if it's hereditary, but a shampoo with Finasteride will help. The other great upside to this cycle is it has very little water retention, and will provide very solid lean muscle gains, as well as good strength gains.

The negatives... 1) It's hard to find real Primobolan, and has been hard for years. Even some underground labs will use cheaper, easier to find steroids and label it as Primobolan. 2) It's an expensive cycle. Anavar and Primobolan are popular, in demand steroids, and people will a high price to use them. The most affordable way is finding the actual steroid powders, and converting them to injectables/orals.

wtorek, 26 października 2010

Steroid Cycles

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]Lukáš Osladil[/caption]

When a user first buys steroids, the next step is often to create or a find a steroid cycle. Steroid cycles accomplish two things.

  • Because each steroid has a different half life, each steroid must be consumed or injected at different times.

  • Many steroid users will take two or more steroids at one time, which is also known as stacking, or steroid stacks.

Steroid cycles are basically steroid 'schedules' which help the bodybuilder keep track of when to take what, and which steroids compliment each other.

Diet plays the biggest factor in steroid cycles' results, but still, certain steroids are more used in 'cutting cycles' and certain steroids are used in 'bulking cycles.

Steroid stacks are not necessary, but often a bodybuilder will want to get the most out of his steroid cycle, so he/she will combine multiple steroids.

Testosterone is often the base of a steroid cycle, it not only helps build muscle, but it increases the libido and energy levels of the user. Most steroids shut down your natural testosterone production, the addition of an injectable testosterone will help keep testosterone high, and give the user an overall good feeling.

Another important aspect of steroid cycles, are the use of injectables or orals. Many first time users want to stay away from needles, and are looking for oral steroid cycles. A user can have success with an oral steroid cycle, but their natural test production will more than likely be shut down, and the user may experience side effects, such as, depression, lack of energy and sex drive, etc. Users will also not see the same gains, compared to using injectable steroids. However, there are many steroid users out there, where their goal is to simply put on a few pounds of lean muscle, and/or drop weight. In this case, an oral steroid cycle may be ideal. However, for athletes looking to compete in bodybuilding at the highest level, injectable steroids are almost a must.

With testosterone as the base of a cycle, those looking to burn fat, or 'cutting cycles', more common steroids/drugs used are Winstrol(stanozolol), Masteron, trenbolone, Equipoise, clenbuterol and Cytomel.

Again with testosterone as a base, common drugs used in 'bulking cycles' are Dianabol, trenbolone, Deca Durabolin, Anadrol, and Equipoise.

For the advanced bodybuilders, they will often include drugs, such as, human growth hormone, insulin, igf, etc.

Many of the drugs/ roids used in bodybuilding can be dangerous if not used properly. Steroid cycles give a guideline, but are not medical advice.