Most people get interested in research that relates to steroids because they want to create a cycle that will work well for them. There are plenty of books and articles online that can help you get what you are after in the way of various compounds. I would like this article to offer you information on how to effectively find the right cycle for you so that you can successfully reach your goals with the least amount of steroids used.
Once you start conducting your research, you will quickly learn that it isn’t always an easy process to find out which drugs are going to help you reach your goals. The more specific your goals are the harder it is going to be. Let’s take a closer look at the basic techniques as well as a few of the more advanced options available. To get the very best information for you I did interviews with real bodybuilders as well as conducted research on the athletes in Germany and Russia.

You really need to find out what any given steroid is able to help you accomplish. They are designed to help you get more out of your workout sessions but you will also need to pay attention to your diet. The combination of steroids, food, and exercise is what will result in the growth of your muscles.
Expect your body to get stressed as the amount of cortisol is increased. At the same time the amount of testosterone will be reduced. You will find your body going through periods of time where you are very fatigued. This is often followed by another period where you can workout for twice as long without getting worn out at all. This is the goal of using any steroid cycle – to maximize your ability to workout. Since you already know where you want to end up, the question is what is the very best way for you to get there?
The receptors of the muscle cells will help the steroid be absorbed. It will then bind to a molecule of the androgen receptor that is placed inside of the actual cell rather than the membrane of the cells. The receptor is designed like your wallet with a type of hinge so you can have it in two different shapes. It is activated when it is open like your wallet and deactivated when it is closed like closing your wallet.
This process sends various messages to the androgens such as create more protein. Use the wallet example again. Your money is in various denominations and it can be used to purchase a variety of things. The androgens work in the same fashion. Many steroids deliver a message that tells the body to burn fat and some tell it specifically where to burn it from.
Now you may be saying to yourself you want to use the steroids that have the same value as those $100 bills in a wallet. Sure they are worth more, but can you use them for whatever you want? Many stores won’t take large bills and you certainly can’t use them in a soda machine! Having a mixture of denominations means you really can buy what you want – and that same concept is true of steroids.
For males, the most important steroid you want to use is the one that increases the amount of testosterone you will produce. There are tons of steroids out there that work by lowing your natural production of testosterone. You want to keep the level of natural testosterone in your body high or you will likely suffer some nasty side effects including sexual dysfunction, lethargy, and depression.
If you are new to using steroids, I would recommend your first cycle being only testosterone so that you can see the effect it has on your body. For those who have already used steroids before it is time to figure out the next compound to add to the cycle. Are you working on cutting or bulking? If you are bulking then you need to select a steroid that has a linear response curve. This means you will gain weight, get stronger, and lose more fat.
The more anabolic steroids you use in reference to quantity the bigger you will get but you will also gain more weight too. For the most part a bulking cycle is pretty straight forward. I like to use a total of two compounds for bulking – usually testosterone and Deca Durabolin with a moderate dose of each one. Look for one that doesn’t result in a large amount of water being retained.
Most bulking cycles run until the target weight is gained, but make sure that goal is a realistic one. You will find magazine articles that tell you to run a bulking steroid cycle for 8 or 10 or even 12 weeks. However, it is acceptable to do it for 9 weeks or 11 weeks if that is what you need to achieve your goal. If you start to feel uncomfortable during the cycle then it is probably about time to start wrapping things up. You should then start looking at post cycle therapy.
The issue of the right steroids for a cutting cycle is very different because you want the number of exogenous androgens to be higher. This is because of the restrictive diet you are likely to be on. You need to be more selective with the compounds you use during a cutting cycle. The length of the cycle will also be much different than a bulking cycle. Most people have a cutting cycle in place because of an upcoming competition or event. In most cases you need to come up with a percentage of body fat you want to lose in a set amount of time.
I conducted plenty of interviews with different athletes and bodybuilders about cutting cycles. I also reviewed the records from coaches of Russian and German athletes. I wanted to find out the best compounds to use as well as the dose for them. I also wanted to find out which compounds are continually found in successful cutting cycles.
I did notice the pattern of using shorter esters in cutting cycles and saving the longer esters of bulking cycles. There is no literature you will find that supports this theory but my thought on it is that shorter ester drugs cause less bloating. This is really no surprise to anyone who has any experience with various steroids though.
Every single steroid cutting cycle that I have found to be a success involves testosterone. Equipoise is a very popular one here as is Boldenone without ester. Cutting cycles also need the use of a 19-nor testosterone based compound. This is because it isn’t very anabolic or androgenic. A proper cutting cycle has to offer compounds that will bind together with the androgen receptor.
The body is much more responsive to androgens when the body is on a restricted calorie diet. I also found that the most successful cutting cycles involved doses of less than 2 grams. Personally, I would run a cutting cycle with 400-500 mgs each of DHT, 19-nor, and testosterone compound. I do understand though that the cost of such products as well as their availability makes it difficult at times.
You will also need to take your own needs into consideration during a successful cutting cycle. For example, if you suffer from joint pain on a regular basis you will want to add more 19-nor. You can also add in Nandrolone for joint pain, especially for a bulking cycle. There are plenty of orals out there that you will find to be useful tools. Most orals can be taken for a period of up to six weeks if they offer a high dose. You can go up to ten weeks with those offering a lower dose.
Make sure you take your health into consideration before starting any steroid cycle. If you have liver problems or issues with your cholesterol then you need to be very careful what you consume. You may be able to use various anadrols and dianabols to help you gain strength and size but only use it in spurts.
By now I am sure you can see why it can be very hard to come up with the right anabolic steroid cycle for your needs. You need to do your research and pay close attention to how your body reactions to various compounds. Don’t forget to calculate your diet and training into the final equation. Make sure you add all three of the steroid families along with various receptors to bind with for the best success during your cycle.
- Originally written by Anthony Roberts