piątek, 1 kwietnia 2011

Advanced Cutting Cycle Stack 4

Advanced cycles are very different from intermediate and beginners cycles. This is because by the time a bodybuilder or athlete has reached the level where they could be rightly called advanced. They've probably reached a point in their career where they are very able to identify the compounds which work best fort them, as well as the dosages they respond best to. In fact, that's almost what I would consider the defining characteristic of an advanced steroid user. Advanced users have typically done a decent amount of steroids, and know what dosages they'll need to use in order to achieve their goals. I think in order to be considered an advanced steroid user, you must meet certain criteria:

  • You've done over 5 cycles

  • You've stacked 2 steroids and one other drug (an anti-estrogen, clen, etc...) in one cycle

  • You've done cycles for at least 2 different reasons (i.e. cutting, bulking, strength gain, etc& )

  • You've done Post Cycle Therapy and kept more than 50% of your gains

  • Most of my recommendations for considering yourself an advanced steroid user are self-explanatory. Basically, my worry here is that no matter how many cycles you've done, if you're losing half of your gains from each cycle, then you have a lot of work to do to figure out what you're doing wrong after your cycles end. There's really no way around that fact & if you're not keeping half of your gains, then something is going wrong when you end your cycles. Before you jump into an advanced cycle, with multiple compounds and drugs, you need to get your post cycle in order. If you're losing more than half your gains from every cycle... then something isn't in check. You aren't an advanced steroid user you've just used a lot of them. But, if you keep most of your gains from each cycle, and meet the other 3 criteria for being advanced, then this cycle is for you!

    Here's a sample of an advanced bulking cycle:

    WeekPureStan 50
    PureTren ACE 100
    PureProp 100
    Ephedrine (ECA)ClenbuterolTemoxifen APX 20mgHCG
    1100 mg ED75 mg ED100 mg ED3 x ECA ED10 - 20 mg ED5000 iu
    2100 mg ED75 mg ED100 mg ED3 x ECA ED10 - 20 mg ED
    3100 mg ED75 mg ED100 mg ED3 x ECA ED10 - 20 mg ED5000 iu
    4100 mg ED75 mg ED100 mg ED0,16-0,24 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED
    5100 mg ED75 mg ED100 mg ED0,16-0,24 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED5000 iu
    6100 mg ED75 mg ED100 mg ED0,16-0,24 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED
    7100 mg ED75 mg ED100 mg ED3 x ECA ED10 - 20 mg ED5000 iu
    8100 mg ED75 mg ED100 mg ED3 x ECA ED10 - 20 mg ED
    9100 mg ED75 mg ED100 mg ED3 x ECA ED10 - 20 mg ED5000 iu
    10100 mg ED75 mg ED100 mg ED0,16-0,24 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED
    11100 mg ED75 mg ED100 mg ED0,16-0,24 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED5000 iu
    12100 mg ED75 mg ED100 mg ED0,16-0,24 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED
    13Clomid Therapy3 x ECA ED10 - 20 mg ED
    14Clomid Therapy3 x ECA ED10 - 20 mg ED
    15Clomid Therapy3 x ECA ED10 - 20 mg ED

    * testosteronum for example: cypionate, enanthate, sustanon, or omnadren.

    PureClomid  20 Therapy

    Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7
    Week 1300 mg100 mg100 mg100 mg100 mg100 mg100 mg
    Week 2100 mg100 mg100 mg100 mg50 mg50 mg50 mg
    Week 350 mg50 mg50 mg50 mg50 mg50 mg50 mg

    Clenbuterol users will usually tailor their dosage individually, depending on results and side effects, but somewhere in the range of 2-8 tablets per day is most common, it is often stacked with cytomel. For fat loss, Clenbuterol seems to stay effective for 3-6 weeks, then it's thermogenic properties seem to subside. This is noticed when the body temperature drops back to normal.

    The widely touted stack (ECA) of ephedrine (25-50mg), caffeine (200mg) and aspirin (300mg) is shown to be extremely potent for fat loss. In this combination, the ephedrine and caffeine both act as notable thermogenic stimulants. The added aspirin also helps to inhibit lipogenesis by blocking the incorporation of acetate into fatty acids. The athlete will be sure this stack is working by noticing an increase in body temperature, usually a degree or so (not an uncomfortable raise). This combination is taken two to three times daily, for a number of consecutive weeks. It is discontinued once the user's body temperature drops back to normal, a clear sign these drugs are no longer working as desired. At this point increasing the dosages would not prove very efficient. Instead a break of several weeks should be taken, so that this stack may once again work at an optimal level.

    Now, taking a closer look at the Testosterone component of this cycle, we know that it is both anabolic as well as highly androgenic, and tends to be used in almost everyone's off-season mass cycle. As I'm sure you already know, water retention related to testosterone with this ester is typically very low, which is why it's included in this cycle. In a cutting cycle, testosterone is always a great base, not only for it's anabolic properties, but because it's a very strong androgen, and in a calorie deprived state will help keep your mood elevated.

    The next drug in this cycle is Trenbolone Acetate - a very anabolic and very androgenic form of 19-nortestosterone. This stuff is rated as being both 5x as anabolic and 5x as androgenic as testosterone. Although it's a bit deceiving to say it's 5x as anabolic - because realistically, it won't put 5x as much muscle on you as an equivalent dose of testosterone- it is a very potent drug. The really great thing about Trenbolone on a diet is that you see results almost daily with it. Sadly, it affects many people's ability to comfortably do Cardio& but that's the way it goes. Fortunately, since it's such a potent androgen, you'll remain aggressive and strong in the gym. That, of course, is a huge benefit on a cutting cycle. Since it's also a progestin, it can cause sexual dysfunction which is another great reason to be using testosterone in this cycle. Tren binds very strongly to the Anabolic Receptor- which may possibly aid in fat loss with it.

    Tamoxifen citrate should be kept on hand in case you start to feel signs of gyno throughout the cycle.

    Legend: ED - Every Day

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