piątek, 24 grudnia 2010

Advanced Bulk Cycle: Stack 2



Boldenone Undecylenate

Testosterone Propionate


Stanozolol (injections)

Tamoxifen citrate


1500-600 mg500 mg 
50 mg ED

 10 - 20 mg ED5000 iu
2500-600 mg500 mg 50 mg ED 10 - 20 mg ED 
3500-600 mg500 mg 50 mg ED 10 - 20 mg ED5000 iu
4500-600 mg500 mg 50 mg ED 10 - 20 mg ED 
5500-600 mg500 mg 50 mg ED 10 - 20 mg ED5000 iu
6500-600 mg500 mg   10 - 20 mg ED 
7 500 mg100 mg ED 50 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED5000 iu
8 500 mg100 mg ED 50 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED 
9 500 mg100 mg ED 50 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED5000 iu
10 500 mg100 mg ED 50 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED 
11 500 mg100 mg ED 50 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED5000 iu
12 500 mg100 mg ED 50 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED 
13  100 mg ED 50 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED5000 iu
14  100 mg ED  10 - 20 mg ED 
15Clomid Therapy    10 - 20 mg ED 


Clomid Therapy    10 - 20 mg ED 
17Clomid Therapy    10 - 20 mg ED 

* testosteronum for example: cypionate, enanthate, sustanon, or omnadren.

Clomid Therapy

 Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7
Week 1300 mg100 mg100 mg100 mg100 mg100 mg100 mg
Week 2100 mg100 mg100 mg100 mg50 mg50 mg50 mg
Week 350 mg50 mg50 mg50 mg50 mg50 mg50 mg

Tamoxifen citrate should be kept on hand in case you start to feel signs of gyno throughout the cycle.

Legend: ED - Every Day

czwartek, 23 grudnia 2010

Advanced Bulk Cycle: Stack 1

Advanced cycles are very different from intermediate and beginners cycles. This is because by the time a bodybuilder or athlete has reached the level where they could be rightly called advanced. They've probably reached a point in their career where they are very able to identify the compounds which work best fort them, as well as the dosages they respond best to. In fact, that's almost what I would consider the defining characteristic of an advanced steroid user. Advanced users have typically done a decent amount of steroids, and know what dosages they'll need to use in order to achieve their goals. I think in order to be considered an advanced steroid user, you must meet certain criteria: eulogy

  • You've done over 5 cycles

  • You've stacked 2 steroids and one other drug (an anti-estrogen, clen, etc...) in one cycle

  • You've done cycles for at least 2 different reasons (i.e. cutting, bulking, strength gain, etc& )

  • You've done Post Cycle Therapy and kept more than 50% of your gains

  • Most of my recommendations for considering yourself an advanced steroid user are self-explanatory. Basically, my worry here is that no matter how many cycles you've done, if you're losing half of your gains from each cycle, then you have a lot of work to do to figure out what you're doing wrong after your cycles end. There's really no way around that fact & if you're not keeping half of your gains, then something is going wrong when you end your cycles. Before you jump into an advanced cycle, with multiple compounds and drugs, you need to get your post cycle in order. If you're losing more than half your gains from every cycle... then something isn't in check. You aren't an advanced steroid user you've just used a lot of them. But, if you keep most of your gains from each cycle, and meet the other 3 criteria for being advanced, then this cycle is for you!

    Here's a sample of an advanced bulking cycle:

    WeekTestosterone*Nandrolone DecanoateTestosterone PropionateOxymetholoneStanozolol (injections)Tamoxifen citrateHCG
    1500-600 mg400 mg 50 mg ED 10 - 20 mg ED5000 iu
    2500-600 mg400 mg 50 mg ED 10 - 20 mg ED 
    3500-600 mg400 mg 50 mg ED 10 - 20 mg ED5000 iu
    4500-600 mg400 mg 50 mg ED 10 - 20 mg ED 
    5500-600 mg400 mg 50 mg ED 10 - 20 mg ED5000 iu
    6500-600 mg400 mg   10 - 20 mg ED 
    7 400 mg100 mg ED 50 mg EOD10 - 20 mg ED5000 iu
    8 400 mg100 mg ED 50 mg EOD10 - 20 mg ED 
    9 400 mg100 mg ED 50 mg EOD10 - 20 mg ED5000 iu
    10 400 mg100 mg ED 50 mg EOD10 - 20 mg ED 
    11 400 mg100 mg ED 50 mg EOD10 - 20 mg ED5000 iu
    12 400 mg100 mg ED 50 mg EOD10 - 20 mg ED 
    13  100 mg ED 50 mg EOD10 - 20 mg ED5000 iu
    14  100 mg ED  10 - 20 mg ED 
    15Clomid Therapy    10 - 20 mg ED 
    16Clomid Therapy    10 - 20 mg ED 
    17Clomid Therapy    10 - 20 mg ED 

    * testosteronum for example: cypionate, enanthate, sustanon, or omnadren.

    Clomid Therapy

     Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7
    Week 1300 mg100 mg100 mg100 mg100 mg100 mg100 mg
    Week 2100 mg100 mg100 mg100 mg50 mg50 mg50 mg
    Week 350 mg50 mg50 mg50 mg50 mg50 mg50 mg

    Tamoxifen citrate should be kept on hand in case you start to feel signs of gyno throughout the cycle.

    Legend: ED - Every Day

środa, 22 grudnia 2010

Intermediate Cutting Cycle: Stack 2

If you're anything like me, you took a look at the title of this article and wondered what an intermediate is. It's relatively easy to figure out what a beginner is, because chances are if you haven't done steroids, you already know that you're a beginner. And if you've been using steroids for nearly a decade (as I have), you would probably have assumed you would need an advanced cycle. But if you fall in this grey area in the middle, then you're probably wondering what kind of cycles you need.

Well, I'm going to set up some guidelines to figure out whether you're an intermediate, ok? You're an intermediate if you've been lifting for at least 3 years and have done at least 3 cycles. And I think, to make my definition of intermediate a little easier to understand, I'll also suggest that you need to have done at least 3 different anabolic steroids, and stacked them in at least one of your cycles.

If you've done all of the above then you are (at least) an intermediate steroid user, and the cycle I'm going to outline here is for you. So let's take a look at a sample intermediate cutting cycle, and then I'll give you the reasoning behind it.

WeekTestosterone PropionateOxandroloneEphedrine (ECA)ClenbuterolTamoxifen citrate
1100 mg EOD40 mg ED3 x ECA ED 10 - 20 mg ED
2100 mg EOD40 mg ED3 x ECA ED 10 - 20 mg ED
3100 mg EOD40 mg ED3 x ECA ED 10 - 20 mg ED
4100 mg EOD40 mg ED 0,16-0,24 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED
5100 mg EOD40 mg ED 0,16-0,24 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED
6100 mg EOD40 mg ED 0,16-0,24 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED
7100 mg EOD40 mg ED3 x ECA ED 10 - 20 mg ED
8100 mg EOD40 mg ED3 x ECA ED 10 - 20 mg ED
9100 mg EOD 3 x ECA ED 10 - 20 mg ED
10100 mg EOD  0,16-0,24 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED
11100 mg EOD  0,16-0,24 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED
12100 mg EOD  0,16-0,24 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED
13  3 x ECA ED 10 - 20 mg ED
14  3 x ECA ED 10 - 20 mg ED
15Clomid TherapyClomid Therapy3 x ECA ED 10 - 20 mg ED
16Clomid TherapyClomid Therapy 0,16-0,24 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED
17Clomid TherapyClomid Therapy 0,16-0,24 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED

Ok, so what we have here is a cutting cycle that uses low(ish) amounts of anabolics. A cycle like this, which makes use of short estered products like Testosterone Propionate and Methenolone Enanthate will produce noticeable results almost immediately. Since this is a cutting cycle, I'll assume some kind of calorie deficit. This is important because the body is a lot more sensitive to androgens when there's a hypocaloric state & this is why bodybuilders who are dieting for contests seem to be able to do astonishing things with their bodies on relatively small amounts of anabolic steroids.

The testosterone in this cycle has a very short ester, meaning it is released into the body very rapidly after it is injected - and is therefore usually injected every day or every other day. Testosterone stacks well with anything, and produces a nice anabolic (muscle building) effect, in addition to a distinct androgenic effect. Naturally, both of these effects will work together to help you achieve a significant increase in weight-load capacity, and a gain in Body weight.

Since you're going to have to inject the testosterone propionate every other day anyway, you may as well include another product that has a similar ester length. For a cutting cycle, that would probably mean using Trenbolone Acetate. It's often used by bodybuilders before contests for its hardening abilities and fat metabolizing qualities. It is highly androgenic and does not aromatize, it makes a great cutting drug. It stacks well with anything, including Anavar, which is our final compound in this cycle.

Oxandrolone does not convert to estrogen at all, so water retention is quite low with this steroid (if there's any) and gynocomastia is never reported. It is very popular for addition into a cutting cycle and provides a nice ending for this cycle, over the last four weeks, where the user may have reached a plateau in body fat loss. It's also very good at helping users retain or even gain strength when calories are low or at just maintenance level.

Clenbuterol users will usually tailor their dosage individually, depending on results and side effects, but somewhere in the range of 2-8 tablets per day is most common, it is often stacked with cytomel. For fat loss, Clenbuterol seems to stay effective for 3-6 weeks, then it's thermogenic properties seem to subside. This is noticed when the body temperature drops back to normal.

The widely touted stack (ECA) of ephedrine (25-50mg), caffeine (200mg) and aspirin (300mg) is shown to be extremely potent for fat loss. In this combination, the ephedrine and caffeine both act as notable thermogenic stimulants. The added aspirin also helps to inhibit lipogenesis by blocking the incorporation of acetate into fatty acids. The athlete will be sure this stack is working by noticing an increase in body temperature, usually a degree or so (not an uncomfortable raise). This combination is taken two to three times daily, for a number of consecutive weeks. It is discontinued once the user's body temperature drops back to normal, a clear sign these drugs are no longer working as desired. At this point increasing the dosages would not prove very efficient. Instead a break of several weeks should be taken, so that this stack may once again work at an optimal level.

Clomid Therapy

 Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7
Week 1300 mg100 mg100 mg100 mg100 mg100 mg100 mg
Week 2100 mg100 mg100 mg100 mg50 mg50 mg50 mg
Week 350 mg50 mg50 mg50 mg50 mg50 mg50 mg


Nolvadex should be kept on hand in case you start to feel signs of gyno throughout the cycle.

Legend: ED - Every Day, EOD - Every Other Day
: ephedrine (25-50mg), caffeine (200mg) and aspirin (300mg)

wtorek, 21 grudnia 2010

Possible unwanted side effects

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]Structural diagram of metandienone (INN), also...[/caption]

Many androgens are capable of being metabolized to compounds which can interact with other steroid hormone receptors including the estrogen, progesterone, and glucocorticoid receptors, producing additional (usually) unwanted effects:

* Possible elevated blood pressure
* Cholesterol levels –Some steroids can cause a increase in LDL, Decreased HDL levels. This can cause a increase in risk of cardiovascular disease or coronary artery disease in men with high risk of bad cholesterol.
* Acne– Due to the stimulation of sebaceous gland
* Conversion to DHT (Dihydrotestosterone). This can accelerate or cause premature baldness and prostate cancer.
* Altered left ventricle morphology – AAS can induce an unfavourable enlargement and thickening of the left ventricle, which loses its diastolic properties with the mass increase. However the negative relation of left ventricle morphology to decreased cardiac function has been disputed.
* Hepatotoxicity – Caused particularly by oral anabolic steroid compounds which are 17-alpha-alkylated in order to not be destroyed by the digestive system.
* Gingival overgrowth - AAS is closely associated with significant levels of gingival enlargement.

Male-specific side effects

* Gynecomastia – Breast development in males. It is usually due to high levels of circulating estrogen. These high levels are the result of the increased level of conversion of testosterone to estrogen via the aromatase enzyme.
* Reduced sexual function and temporary infertility
* Testicular atrophy – Temporary side effect that is due to decreases in natural testosterone levels inhibiting spermatogenesis. As most of the mass of the testes is developing sperm, the size of the testicles usually returns to normal within a few weeks of discontinuing anabolic steroid use when spermatogenesis resumes.

Female-specific side effects

* Body hair increase
* Deepening of the voice
* Enlarged clitoris (clitoral hypertrophy)
* Temporary decrease in menstrual cycles

Adolescent-specific side effects

* Stunted growth – Abuse of the agents may prematurely stop the lengthening of bones (premature epiphyseal fusion through increased estrogen)
* Accelerated bone maturation
* Slight beard growth

An ideal anabolic steroid (a hormone with purely anabolic effects and no virilizing or other side effects) has been widely sought. Many synthetic anabolic steroids have been developed in an attempt to find molecules that produced a higher degree of anabolic rather than virilizing effects. Unfortunately, the most effective steroids known for increasing lean body mass also have the strongest androgenic characteristics.

poniedziałek, 20 grudnia 2010

Steroids In Medical Use

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="278" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]Poster of the 1920 olympic games. Printed in 9...[/caption]

There are many people who like to see that their body is kept in good shape. You can use various forms of medicines, diets and exercise to achieve this goal. It is a well known fact that getting into shape requires lots of hard work. In addition to eating well you will need to follow a well balanced exercise regime. For the people who prefer to use steroids you might want to see how steroids medical use is looked at.

For some people a short cut to getting a well defined body exists with the use of anabolic steroids. These steroids are a class of hormone steroids. This means that in addition to providing your body with a quick way to gain more muscle definition you stand a high chance of hormonal changes occurring to you.

These changes are well known side effects which occur from using any anabolic steroids. These changes once they occur are not reversible. As these steroids are very harmful to the body there are many sporting associations which have banned the use of these steroids. Among the sporting groups which don't allow athletes who have used these steroids to participate are the Olympic Games body and others.

One of the best ways to understand why these sporting bodies don't want to see the use of these drugs is that the body undergoes changes which promote artificial body strength and speed. This means that normally trained athletes will have trouble competing against these bulked up athletes.

While we are aware of the hazards that steroids play in sports and our bodies there are times when these drugs can be of use in medical experiments. Since these steroids are based on the body's hormonal growth patterns you will find that using these steroids medical use helps medical personnel see just what effect there is on the body.

For instance you will be able to see how the nervous system reacts to the use or abuse of steroids. With some of the currently used steroids you will find that doctor will be able to see how they can help patients work out their steroid addiction. The effects which come in to play when these steroids are being used will be revealed as well. As you see while the general reason for using steroids is harmful to us, it is beneficial to find steroids medial use to find ways to stop the dangers which some from steroids.

With all of this information you will understand why there is so much of interest displayed in the medical community with regards to steroids. At first it may be hard to imagine how steroids medical use can be teamed together. But when you think about the various dangers that steroids represent then you will understand why doctors and others need to study this drug.

niedziela, 19 grudnia 2010

Anabolic Steroid Terms and Definitions - Dictionary

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]Collage of varius Gray's muscle pictures by Mi...[/caption]

constructive metabolism characterized by the building of tissue into more complex living matter, mainly muscle.

promoting anabolism

Anabolic steroid:
any one of several compounds derived from testosterone or prepared synthetically to promote general body growth, to oppose the effects of endogenous estrogen, or to promote masculinization effects. They have a chemical structure similar to cholesterol.

any steroid hormone that promotes male characteristics.

the on take of feminine characteristics or feminization.

refers to a state of deterioration usually within the muscle or bodily organ due to a lack of use or health.

a complex metabolic process in which energy is liberated for use in work, energy storage, or heat production by the destruction of complex substances. Basically muscle tissue is broken down when a person is in a catabolic state and the use of anabolic steroids will change this.

a fatty substance found in animals that performs many vital functions and is synthesized by the liver and the adrenal cortex.

Bitch Tits:
a slang term for gynecomastia.

an abnormal enlargement of one or both breasts in men. This condition is usually temporary due to a hormonal imbalance brought on by the use of steroids, however, can occur naturally as well.

A bodybuilding term used to describe a person who is huge and obviously on steroids.

Fakes or basement drug:
refers to counterfeit or fake steroids.

the process in which a person takes on the characteristics of a mature male. Masculinization.

slang for steroids, syringes, anything associated with the use of steroids

slang term for injectable steroids

Dart, poke, ned:
slang terms for syringes.

the production of heat. Raises metabolism making it easier to burn fat.

Trade name:
the name given to a particular substance by each company that manufactures it.

the time in which a certain supplement is taken. If you take a supplement for 6 weeks it is a 6-week cycle. Usually the time on a cycle is followed by the same amount of time off of the cycle.

a persons sex drive.

any of a large number of hormonal substances with the same basic chemical structure produced mainly in the adrenal cortex and gonads.

Lean mass:
the amount of muscle on a persons body

Immune system:
the system in a persons body that wards off infection and responds to illness.

an androgenic hormone which is used to produce anabolic steroids.

natural hormone that promotes the growth and development of female characteristics.

a nitrogenous compound that when combined with phosphate produces ATP

adenosine triphosphate is a molecule used to store and release energy in the muscle.

a substance that increases the amount of urine which is released by the kidneys.

wtorek, 14 grudnia 2010

Minimizing the side effect

Typically, bodybuilders, athletes and sportsmen who use anabolic steroids try to minimize the negative side effects. For example, users may increase their amount of cardiovascular exercise to help negate the effects of left ventricle hypertrophy.

Some androgens will aromatise and convert to estrogen, potentially causing some combination of the side effects listed above. During a steroid cycle users may take an aromatase inhibitor and/or a SERM; these drugs affect aromatisation and estrogen receptor binding respectively. The SERM tamoxifen, is of particular interest as it prevents binding to the estrogen receptor in the breast, reducing the risk of gynecomastia.

Furthermore, to combat the natural testosterone suppression and to restore proper HPTA function, what is known as 'post-cycle therapy' (PCT) is self prescribed. PCT takes place after the course of anabolic steroids. It typically consists of a combination of the following drugs, depending on which protocol is used:

* A SERM such as clomiphene citrate and/or tamoxifen citrate (this is the primary PCT drug).
* An aromatase inhibitor such as anastrozole.
* Human chorionic gonadotropin, hCG (this has become less common as it is now more often used throughout the cycle rather than after).

The aim of PCT is to return the body's endogenous hormonal balance to its original state within the shortest space of time.

Those prone to premature hair loss due to steroid use have been known to take the prescription drug finasteride for prolonged periods of time. Finasteride reduces the conversion of testosterone to DHT, the latter having much higher potency for alopecia. Finasteride is useless in the cases when steroid is not converted into a more androgenic derivative. Finasteride is also used as a masking agent by those who are subject to steroid testing.


Since anabolic steroids can be toxic to the liver or can cause increases in blood pressure or cholesterol, many users consider it ideal get frequent blood work tests and blood pressure tests to make sure their blood pressure or cholesterol are still within normal levels. Since anabolic steroids can increase cholesterol they increase the risk for heart attack in users. So it is generally considered mandatory for all users to get blood work while using anabolic steroids.

poniedziałek, 13 grudnia 2010

Intermediate Cutting Cycle: Stack 1

If you're anything like me, you took a look at the title of this article and wondered what an intermediate is. It's relatively easy to figure out what a beginner is, because chances are if you haven't done steroids, you already know that you're a beginner. And if you've been using steroids for nearly a decade (as I have), you would probably have assumed you would need an advanced cycle. But if you fall in this grey area in the middle, then you're probably wondering what kind of cycles you need.

Well, I'm going to set up some guidelines to figure out whether you're an intermediate, ok? You're an intermediate if you've been lifting for at least 3 years and have done at least 3 cycles. And I think, to make my definition of intermediate a little easier to understand, I'll also suggest that you need to have done at least 3 different anabolic steroids, and stacked them in at least one of your cycles.

If you've done all of the above then you are (at least) an intermediate steroid user, and the cycle I'm going to outline here is for you. So let's take a look at a sample intermediate cutting cycle, and then I'll give you the reasoning behind it.

WeekTestosterone PropionateBoldenone UndecylenateStanozolol TabletsTamoxifen citrateVitamin B-6
1100 mg EOD400 mg 10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
2100 mg EOD400 mg 10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
3100 mg EOD400 mg 10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
4100 mg EOD400 mg 10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
5100 mg EOD400 mg 10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
6100 mg EOD400 mg 10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
7100 mg EOD400 mg 10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
8100 mg EOD400 mg 10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
9100 mg EOD400 mg40 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
10100 mg EOD400 mg40 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
11100 mg EOD400 mg40 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
12100 mg EOD 40 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
13  40 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
14  40 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
15Clomid TherapyClomid Therapy 10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
16Clomid TherapyClomid Therapy 10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
17Clomid TherapyClomid Therapy 10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED

Ok, so what we have here is a cutting cycle that uses low(ish) amounts of anabolics. A cycle like this, which makes use of short estered products like Testosterone Propionate and Trenbolone Acetate will produce noticeable results almost immediately. Since this is a cutting cycle, I'll assume some kind of calorie deficit. This is important because the body is a lot more sensitive to androgens when there's a hypocaloric state & this is why bodybuilders who are dieting for contests seem to be able to do astonishing things with their bodies on relatively small amounts of anabolic steroids.

The testosterone in this cycle has a very short ester, meaning it is released into the body very rapidly after it is injected - and is therefore usually injected every day or every other day. Testosterone stacks well with anything, and produces a nice anabolic (muscle building) effect, in addition to a distinct androgenic effect. Naturally, both of these effects will work together to help you achieve a significant increase in weight-load capacity, and a gain in Body weight.

Since you're going to have to inject the testosterone propionate every other day anyway, you may as well include another product that has a similar ester length. For a cutting cycle, that would probably mean using Trenbolone Acetate. It's often used by bodybuilders before contests for its hardening abilities and fat metabolizing qualities. It is highly androgenic and does not aromatize, it makes a great cutting drug. It stacks well with anything, including Anavar, which is our final compound in this cycle.

Stanozolol does not convert to estrogen at all, so water retention is quite low with this steroid (if there's any) and gynocomastia is never reported. It is very popular for addition into a cutting cycle and provides a nice ending for this cycle, over the last four weeks, where the user may have reached a plateau in body fat loss. It's also very good at helping users retain or even gain strength when calories are low or at just maintenance level

Clenbuterol or Ephedrine can be added into a cycle like this also, if more fat loss is needed. Clenbuterol is typically used at a dose of 20-120mcgs/day in divided doses, and Ephedrine is typically used at a dose of 20mgs 3x a day.

Clomid Therapy

 Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7
Week 1300 mg100 mg100 mg100 mg100 mg100 mg100 mg
Week 2100 mg100 mg100 mg100 mg50 mg50 mg50 mg
Week 350 mg50 mg50 mg50 mg50 mg50 mg50 mg

Nolvadex should be kept on hand in case you start to feel signs of gyno throughout the cycle.

Legend: ED - Every Day , EOD - Every Other Day

sobota, 11 grudnia 2010

Novice Cycle Stack 1

When two or more anabolic steroids are used at the same time, it is called "stacking". The time period in which a body builder or person uses these anabolic steroids is called a "steroid cycle". Athletes stack anabolic steroids with other drugs to help maximize the results of their cycle. It has been shown that steroid stacks can cause an even more dramatic effect on the users muscle, than when taking only one type of steroid. Different anabolic steroids have different effects on the body, so when two different steroids are introduced (stacked) together, often times you will see the muscle gaining side effects of each different steroid! These steroid cycles may also include taking one particular anabolic steroid at the beginning of the steroid cycle and finishing up with a different steroid at the end, to better enhance the users desired result. Steroid stacks have been used for years and have proven to be a more effective way to build quality muscle than when using only one type of steroid. One very important thing to note: when using more than one anabolic steroid in a stack or cycle, the risk of harmful side effects increases. Within a steroid cycle, the users will often stack other non-anabolic drugs into their program to help minimize these steroid side effects.

WeekTestosterone*Nandrolone DecaonateMethandienoneTamoxifen citrateVitamin B-6
1400- 500 mg200 - 400 mg35 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
2400- 500 mg200 - 400 mg35 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
3400- 500 mg200 - 400 mg35 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
4400- 500 mg200 - 400 mg35 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
5400- 500 mg200 - 400 mg35 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
6400- 500 mg200 - 400 mg10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
7400- 500 mg200 - 400 mg10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
8400- 500 mg200 - 400 mg10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
9400- 500 mg200 - 400 mg10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
10400- 500 mg200 - 400 mg10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
11400- 500 mg10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
1210 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
1310 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
14Clomid TherapyClomid Therapy10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
15Clomid TherapyClomid Therapy10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
16Clomid TherapyClomid Therapy10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED

* testosteronum for example: cypionate, enanthate, sustanon, or omnadren.

Clomid Therapy

Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7
Week 1300 mg100 mg100 mg100 mg100 mg100 mg100 mg
Week 2100 mg100 mg100 mg100 mg50 mg50 mg50 mg
Week 350 mg50 mg50 mg50 mg50 mg50 mg50 mg

This is a very simple beginner cycle that will add a good amount of new mass if you have never cycled before.

Nolvadex should be kept on hand in case you start to feel signs of gyno throughout the cycle.

Legend: ED - Every Day

piątek, 10 grudnia 2010

Intermediate Bulk Cycle: Stack 2

If you're anything like me, you took a look at the title of this article and wondered what an intermediate is. It's relatively easy to figure out what a beginner is, because chances are if you haven't done steroids, you already know that you're a beginner. And if you've been using steroids for nearly a decade (as I have), you would probably have assumed you would need an advanced cycle. But if you fall in this grey area in the middle, then you're probably wondering what kind of cycles you need.

Well, I'm going to set up some guidelines to figure out whether you're an intermediate, ok? You're an intermediate if you've been lifting for at least 3 years and have done at least 3 cycles. And I think, to make my definition of intermediate a little easier to understand, I'll also suggest that you need to have done at least 3 different anabolic steroids, and stacked them in at least one of your cycles.

If you've done all of the above then you are (at least) an intermediate steroid user, and the cycle I'm going to outline here is for you. So let's take a look at a sample intermediate cutting cycle, and then I'll give you the reasoning behind it.

WeekTestosterone*Boldenone UndecylenateOxymetholoneTamoxifen citrateVitamin B-6
1500-600 mg400 mg100 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
2500-600 mg400 mg100 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
3500-600 mg400 mg100 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
4500-600 mg400 mg100 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
5500-600 mg400 mg100 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
6500-600 mg400 mg10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
7500-600 mg400 mg10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
8500-600 mg400 mg10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
9500-600 mg400 mg10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
10500-600 mg400 mg10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
11500-600 mg400 mg10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
12500-600 mg400 mg10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
13500-600 mg10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
14500-600 mg10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
15HCG TherapyHCG Therapy10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
16HCG TherapyHCG Therapy10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
17HCG TherapyHCG Therapy10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
18Clomid TherapyClomid Therapy10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
19Clomid TherapyClomid Therapy10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
20Clomid TherapyClomid Therapy10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED

* testosteronum for example: cypionate, enanthate, sustanon, or omnadren.

Ok, so what we have here is a cycle that uses moderate amounts of anabolics. A cycle like this, which makes use of Testosterone as well as Boldenone will produce noticeable results in both strength as well as size, and will produce a nice, hard look to the physique. Since this is a lean bulking cycle, I'll assume that the user will be following a diet which is high in quality calories. Protein intake will need to be high to take full advantage of the steroids being used. Conversion to estrogen is not much of a problem with Boldenone, although it's going to happen with the Testosterone.

The suggested testosterone in this cycle has a long ester, meaning it is released into the body very slowly after it is injected - and is therefore usually injected once or twice a week. Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone, and stacks well with anything because it produces both a nice anabolic (muscle building) effect, as well as an androgenic effect. Both of these effects will be helpful on a cycle where maximum lean mass is the goal.

Since you're going to have to inject the testosterone once a week, you may as well include another product that has a similar ester length. For this cycle, that would probably mean using Boldenone. Boldenone is a relatively cheap injectable steroid, and will increase your appetite substantially, allowing you to easily consume enough calories to make your cycle worthwhile. It will also provide an additional anabolic effect with very little conversion to estrogen, which will help to keep water retention to a minimum.

I've decided to include orals for four weeks in this cycle, separated by four weeks in between. A modest dose of Oxymetholone is suggested at the outset of the cycle so you can begin seeing results immediately. The longer esters in the injectable products typically mean that noticeable results won't occur until a couple of weeks into the cycle or more. This can be offset with the use of an oral compound in the beginning which will produce rapid increases in strength and weight gain. Oxymetholone is a nice choice for this. Oxymetholone has been reported to produce gynecomastia in users (not all probably around 50%). An anti-estrogen should be used to counteract the aromatization. Nolvadex is an suggested anti-estrogen. Many side effects are associated including acne, hair loss, abdominal pains, headaches, gynecomastia, hypertension, and heavy water retention. Loss of weight and strength usually occurs after the cycle. Oxymetholone also shuts down natural testosterone production. It is regarded by the bodybuilding community as the most effective oral steroid in building strength and size.

A cycle like this will give the user a lot of muscularity and possible loss of body fat, if a proper diet accompanies it. Overall weight should increase, as should strength. Bodyweight may not actually not change much when compared to traditional bulking or cutting cycles, as there should be some noticeable fat loss while muscle is being gained.

Clomid Therapy

Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7
Week 1300 mg100 mg100 mg100 mg100 mg100 mg100 mg
Week 2100 mg100 mg100 mg100 mg50 mg50 mg50 mg
Week 350 mg50 mg50 mg50 mg50 mg50 mg50 mg

HCG (Pregnyl) Therapy

Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7
Week 15000 iu----5000 iu-
Week 2---5000 iu---
Week 3-5000 iu----5000 iu

Nolvadex should be kept on hand in case you start to feel signs of gyno throughout the cycle.

Legend: ED - Every Day

czwartek, 9 grudnia 2010

Intermediate Bulk Cycle: Stack 1

If you're anything like me, you took a look at the title of this article and wondered what an intermediate is. It's relatively easy to figure out what a beginner is, because chances are if you haven't done steroids, you already know that you're a beginner. And if you've been using steroids for nearly a decade (as I have), you would probably have assumed you would need an advanced cycle. But if you fall in this grey area in the middle, then you're probably wondering what kind of cycles you need.

Well, I'm going to set up some guidelines to figure out whether you're an intermediate, ok? You're an intermediate if you've been lifting for at least 3 years and have done at least 3 cycles. And I think, to make my definition of intermediate a little easier to understand, I'll also suggest that you need to have done at least 3 different anabolic steroids, and stacked them in at least one of your cycles.


If you've done all of the above then you are (at least) an intermediate steroid user, and the cycle I'm going to outline here is for you. So let's take a look at a sample intermediate cutting cycle, and then I'll give you the reasoning behind it.

WeekTestosterone*Boldenone UndecylenateMethandienoneTamoxifen citrateVitamin B-6
1500-600 mg400 mg40 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
2500-600 mg400 mg40 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
3500-600 mg400 mg40 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
4500-600 mg400 mg40 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
5500-600 mg400 mg40 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
6500-600 mg400 mg40 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
7500-600 mg400 mg40 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
8500-600 mg400 mg40 mg ED10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
9500-600 mg400 mg10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
10500-600 mg400 mg10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
11500-600 mg400 mg10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
12500-600 mg400 mg10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
13500-600 mg10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
14500-600 mg10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
15HCG TherapyHCG Therapy10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
16HCG TherapyHCG Therapy10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
17HCG TherapyHCG Therapy10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
18Clomid TherapyClomid Therapy10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
19Clomid TherapyClomid Therapy10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED
20Clomid TherapyClomid Therapy10 - 20 mg ED200 mg ED

* testosteronum for example: cypionate, enanthate, sustanon, or omnadren.

Ok, so what we have here is a cycle that uses moderate amounts of anabolics. A cycle like this, which makes use of Testosterone as well as Boldenone will produce noticeable results in both strength as well as size, and will produce a nice, hard look to the physique. Since this is a lean bulking cycle, I'll assume that the user will be following a diet which is high in quality calories. Protein intake will need to be high to take full advantage of the steroids being used. Conversion to estrogen is not much of a problem with Boldenone, although it's going to happen with the Testosterone.

The suggested testosterone in this cycle has a long ester, meaning it is released into the body very slowly after it is injected - and is therefore usually injected once or twice a week. Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone, and stacks well with anything because it produces both a nice anabolic (muscle building) effect, as well as an androgenic effect. Both of these effects will be helpful on a cycle where maximum lean mass is the goal.

Since you're going to have to inject the testosterone once a week, you may as well include another product that has a similar ester length. For this cycle, that would probably mean using Boldenone. Boldenone is a relatively cheap injectable steroid, and will increase your appetite substantially, allowing you to easily consume enough calories to make your cycle worthwhile. It will also provide an additional anabolic effect with very little conversion to estrogen, which will help to keep water retention to a minimum.

I've decided to include orals for four weeks in this cycle, separated by four weeks in between. A modest dose of Methanienone is suggested at the outset of the cycle so you can begin seeing results immediately. The longer esters in the injectable products typically mean that noticeable results won't occur until a couple of weeks into the cycle or more. This can be offset with the use of an oral compound in the beginning which will produce rapid increases in strength and weight gain. Dianabol (methanienone) is a nice choice for this. While the Methandienone is giving you rapid results, your blood plasma levels of the injectable steroids will be building up. When you discontinue the use of Methanienone at week four, you shouldn't experience any drop in strength or lean mass, since the injectables have had more than enough time to begin exerting their peak anabolic effects. The four week break from orals in the middle of the cycle is included because it gives your body (your liver) a break from metabolizing the oral steroids.

A cycle like this will give the user a lot of muscularity and possible loss of body fat, if a proper diet accompanies it. Overall weight should increase, as should strength. Bodyweight may not actually not change much when compared to traditional bulking or cutting cycles, as there should be some noticeable fat loss while muscle is being gained.

Clomid Therapy

Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7
Week 1300 mg100 mg100 mg100 mg100 mg100 mg100 mg
Week 2100 mg100 mg100 mg100 mg50 mg50 mg50 mg
Week 350 mg50 mg50 mg50 mg50 mg50 mg50 mg

HCG (Pregnyl) Therapy

Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7
Week 15000 iu----5000 iu-
Week 2---5000 iu---
Week 3-5000 iu----5000 iu

Nolvadex should be kept on hand in case you start to feel signs of gyno throughout the cycle.

Legend: ED - Every Day