If you're anything like me, you took a look at the title of this article and wondered what an intermediate is. It's relatively easy to figure out what a beginner is, because chances are if you haven't done steroids, you already know that you're a beginner. And if you've been using steroids for nearly a decade (as I have), you would probably have assumed you would need an advanced cycle. But if you fall in this grey area in the middle, then you're probably wondering what kind of cycles you need.

Well, I'm going to set up some guidelines to figure out whether you're an intermediate, ok? You're an intermediate if you've been lifting for at least 3 years and have done at least 3 cycles. And I think, to make my definition of intermediate a little easier to understand, I'll also suggest that you need to have done at least 3 different anabolic steroids, and stacked them in at least one of your cycles.
If you've done all of the above then you are (at least) an intermediate steroid user, and the cycle I'm going to outline here is for you. So let's take a look at a sample intermediate cutting cycle, and then I'll give you the reasoning behind it.
Week |
Testosterone Propionate |
Oxandrolone |
Ephedrine (ECA) |
Clenbuterol |
Tamoxifen citrate |
1 |
100 mg EOD |
40 mg ED |
3 x ECA ED |
10 - 20 mg ED |
2 |
100 mg EOD |
40 mg ED |
3 x ECA ED |
10 - 20 mg ED |
3 |
100 mg EOD |
40 mg ED |
3 x ECA ED |
10 - 20 mg ED |
4 |
100 mg EOD |
40 mg ED |
0,16-0,24 mg ED |
10 - 20 mg ED |
5 |
100 mg EOD |
40 mg ED |
0,16-0,24 mg ED |
10 - 20 mg ED |
6 |
100 mg EOD |
40 mg ED |
0,16-0,24 mg ED |
10 - 20 mg ED |
7 |
100 mg EOD |
40 mg ED |
3 x ECA ED |
10 - 20 mg ED |
8 |
100 mg EOD |
40 mg ED |
3 x ECA ED |
10 - 20 mg ED |
9 |
100 mg EOD |
3 x ECA ED |
10 - 20 mg ED |
10 |
100 mg EOD |
0,16-0,24 mg ED |
10 - 20 mg ED |
11 |
100 mg EOD |
0,16-0,24 mg ED |
10 - 20 mg ED |
12 |
100 mg EOD |
0,16-0,24 mg ED |
10 - 20 mg ED |
13 |
3 x ECA ED |
10 - 20 mg ED |
14 |
3 x ECA ED |
10 - 20 mg ED |
15 |
Clomid Therapy |
Clomid Therapy |
3 x ECA ED |
10 - 20 mg ED |
16 |
Clomid Therapy |
Clomid Therapy |
0,16-0,24 mg ED |
10 - 20 mg ED |
17 |
Clomid Therapy |
Clomid Therapy |
0,16-0,24 mg ED |
10 - 20 mg ED |
Ok, so what we have here is a cutting cycle that uses low(ish) amounts of anabolics. A cycle like this, which makes use of short estered products like Testosterone Propionate and Methenolone Enanthate will produce noticeable results almost immediately. Since this is a cutting cycle, I'll assume some kind of calorie deficit. This is important because the body is a lot more sensitive to androgens when there's a hypocaloric state & this is why bodybuilders who are dieting for contests seem to be able to do astonishing things with their bodies on relatively small amounts of anabolic steroids.
The testosterone in this cycle has a very short ester, meaning it is released into the body very rapidly after it is injected - and is therefore usually injected every day or every other day. Testosterone stacks well with anything, and produces a nice anabolic (muscle building) effect, in addition to a distinct androgenic effect. Naturally, both of these effects will work together to help you achieve a significant increase in weight-load capacity, and a gain in Body weight.
Since you're going to have to inject the testosterone propionate every other day anyway, you may as well include another product that has a similar ester length. For a cutting cycle, that would probably mean using Trenbolone Acetate. It's often used by bodybuilders before contests for its hardening abilities and fat metabolizing qualities. It is highly androgenic and does not aromatize, it makes a great cutting drug. It stacks well with anything, including Anavar, which is our final compound in this cycle.
Oxandrolone does not convert to estrogen at all, so water retention is quite low with this steroid (if there's any) and gynocomastia is never reported. It is very popular for addition into a cutting cycle and provides a nice ending for this cycle, over the last four weeks, where the user may have reached a plateau in body fat loss. It's also very good at helping users retain or even gain strength when calories are low or at just maintenance level.
Clenbuterol users will usually tailor their dosage individually, depending on results and side effects, but somewhere in the range of 2-8 tablets per day is most common, it is often stacked with cytomel. For fat loss, Clenbuterol seems to stay effective for 3-6 weeks, then it's thermogenic properties seem to subside. This is noticed when the body temperature drops back to normal.
The widely touted stack (ECA) of ephedrine (25-50mg), caffeine (200mg) and aspirin (300mg) is shown to be extremely potent for fat loss. In this combination, the ephedrine and caffeine both act as notable thermogenic stimulants. The added aspirin also helps to inhibit lipogenesis by blocking the incorporation of acetate into fatty acids. The athlete will be sure this stack is working by noticing an increase in body temperature, usually a degree or so (not an uncomfortable raise). This combination is taken two to three times daily, for a number of consecutive weeks. It is discontinued once the user's body temperature drops back to normal, a clear sign these drugs are no longer working as desired. At this point increasing the dosages would not prove very efficient. Instead a break of several weeks should be taken, so that this stack may once again work at an optimal level.
Clomid Therapy
Day 1 |
Day 2 |
Day 3 |
Day 4 |
Day 5 |
Day 6 |
Day 7 |
Week 1 |
300 mg |
100 mg |
100 mg |
100 mg |
100 mg |
100 mg |
100 mg |
Week 2 |
100 mg |
100 mg |
100 mg |
100 mg |
50 mg |
50 mg |
50 mg |
Week 3 |
50 mg |
50 mg |
50 mg |
50 mg |
50 mg |
50 mg |
50 mg |
Nolvadex should be kept on hand in case you start to feel signs of gyno throughout the cycle.
ED - Every Day,
EOD - Every Other Day
ECA: ephedrine (25-50mg), caffeine (200mg) and aspirin (300mg)