Clenbuterol Cycle
Clenbuterol is not a type of steroid, but since it is often used by bodybuilders, and grouped with Winstrol, trenbolone, etc., it is often called a steroid. Clenbuterol is a bronchodilator and a beta agonist/antagonist. A clenuberol cycle slightly increases body temperature and increases basal metabolic rate. With the stimulant effect, it also supresses appetite.
There have been several theories regarding Clenbuterol cycles over the past decade. The reason for the different schedules is because of receptor downgrading. Basically, the different theories include different times 'off' of the clenbuterol to 'clean' the receptors. Originally, the theory was two days on with clenbuterol, two days off. Later, that was proved to be too short of an 'off' time, and two weeks on, two weeks off was introduced. However, there are still some out there that believe two weeks is not long enough.
If the clenbuterol user takes their temperature before starting the clenbuterol cycle, and compares it to after, they will know if the clenbuterol is still working. Since clenbuterol increases body temperature, once the temperature is back to normal, the clen will not be effective. This introduces two new theories. One, the user can take the clen for as many weeks as they can until the body temperatore is back to normal, and take a month off, and repeat. Two, Anthony Roberts suggests taking Benadryl or ketotifen every three or four weeks. He believes this works to reduce beta-2 receptor activity and restore receptor function. He also notes, since they both make the user drowsy, the individual should take the ketotifen or Benadryl before bed.
The problem is, there are no human studies which can prove one theory is better than another. Anthony Roberts' theory is still relatively new, and many don't believe in it. For now, the most popular method is two weeks on, two weeks off.
Clebuterol Cycle Dosages
Like many ephedrine based fat burners on the market, clenbuterol reacts differently to each individual person. The user needs to start with a low dosage, 20mcgs (most pills are 20mcg), and increase the dosage from there, this is for both men and women. If 20mcg is fine, a few hours later the user would take another 20mcg dosage. If the user is fine after two 20mcg dosages, they can aim for three 20mcg dosages the next day. Slowly, the user can work their way up what they can tolerate, or reach the max recommended dosage of 100-120mcgs per day. The clenbuterol user also will not want to take their dosage too late in the day, as many report having problems sleeping when the dosage is taken late in the day.
After two weeks of continuous use, a two week break period is taken. Another fat burner can be introduced during this time, but should not contain ephedrine as ephedrine battles for the same receptors.
Clenbuterol is commonly used with other steroids in a 'cutting' cycle. It is often used by atheletes, bodybuilders, and celebrities. Below are clenbuterol cycle examples, using cycles that have been posted through out the site.
Week | Testosterone Weekly | Winstrol Dosage ED* | Clenbuterol Dosage ED* |
1 | 350-500mgs | 50mgs | 120mcgs |
2 | 350-500mgs | 50mgs | 120mcgs |
3 | 350-500mgs | 50mgs | - |
4 | 350-500mgs | 50mgs | - |
5 | 350-500mgs | 50mgs | 120mcgs |
6 | 350-500mgs | 50mgs | 120mcgs |
7 | 350-500mgs | - | - |
8 | 350-500mgs | - | - |
9 | 350-500mgs | - | 120mcgs |
10 | 350-500mgs | - | 120mcgs |
* Every Day
Week | Testosterone Propionate EOD* | Equipoise | Anavar ED** | Clenbuterol ED** |
1 | 150mgs | 500mgs | 50mgs | 120mc |
2 | 150mgs | 500mgs | 50mgs | 120mc |
3 | 150mgs | 500mgs | 50mgs | - |
4 | 150mgs | 500mgs | 50mgs | - |
5 | 150mgs | 500mgs | 50mgs | 120mc |
6 | 150mgs | 500mgs | 50mgs | 120mc |
7 | 150mgs | 500mgs | 50mgs | - |
8 | 150mgs | 500mgs | 50mgs | - |
9 | 150mgs | 500mgs | - | 120mc |
10 | 150mgs | 500mgs | - | 120mc |
* Every Other Day (525mgs testosterone per week) | ** Every Day
Clenbuterol side effects are similar to that of clenbuterol. Though no one knows the long term effects, it is believed to have negative effects on the heart, may raise blood pressure, cause cramping, and reduce the user's cardiovascular.
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